Wednesday, March 1

That's coming out of your allowance, Mister!

A 12-year-old boy on a field trip to a museum stuck a wad of gum on a painting valued at $1.5 Million.
Now I'm absolutely opposed to child abuse, but were this my son he would be in for the beating of a lifetime.
"Even though we give very strict guidelines on proper behavior and we hold students to high standards, he is only 12 and I don't think he understood the ramifications of what he did before it happened, but he certainly understands the severity of it now," said a school official.
I'm thinking that by age 12 a child should know better than to stick their chewed-up gum anywhere but in the trash can, much less ON A PAINTING IN A MUSEUM.
In the boy's defense, though, the painting (see above) was Helen Frankenthaler's "The Bay," an abstract painting from 1963, so he probably thought he was making it look better. (Ba-dum-CHING)

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