Thursday, March 2

New Chocolate!

This past week Mars (the candy maker, not the planet, silly) announced it is going to be launching a new line of chocolates called CocoaVia. It has even more antioxidants, flavanols, and phenalethylamine than regular chocolate.

And that means? Antioxidants are cancer fighters, and flavanols lower bad cholesterol. Phenalethylamine is the so-called "love drug" that flows into a woman's bloodstream when she falls in love (the reason, scientists believe, that chocolate is an effective mood elevator in women).

In a press release, the company states that the Cuna Indians of Panama who drink exactly the same type of chocolate found in CocoaVia have a ten percent lower risk of dying from heart attacks than average Panamanians. It wasn't reported, but my guess is that there is also at least a fifty percent lower risk of a Cuna Indian man getting bitch-slapped every 28 days.

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