Wednesday, June 6

Coolness in the Animal Kingdom

Scientists in Suriname have discovered 24 new species in the rainforest, including this black-and-bright-purple frog. Go to the website for a slideshow. Warning: snake and bug alert.

How cute is this baby stingray? I know it's not fair, but the first thing I thought when I saw it was, "You bastards killed Steve Irwin!"

This cool website has beautiful pictures of color palettes found in butterflies. God is the ultimate artist.

Did you know that mice can sing? Researchers found that male mice respond to female scent by making inaudible (to humans) sounds believed to attract mates. So what does it sound like? Hear it here, and here, and here. Can't you just picture the she-mice throwing their little mouse panties at that Tom(mouse) Jones up there?

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