Friday, April 27

Puppy Time!

I feel like I'm in 101 Dalmations. "Six! Eight! Thirteen! No, wait, fourteen!" ...

Dixie had her pups today. It was so amazing to be able to see the whole process. Such drama! Birth, life, death...all out back in the Li'l Tykes Playhouse. The current puppy count is...a BUNCH.

3 had something to say:

Anonymous said...

Penny, they are too cute. You certainly have your hands full. Good luck!

Jane Q Doe said...

death?? did yall lose one?? or two??

Penny said...

Jane, unfortunately, two were stillborn; one was apparently smothered in all the activity (which took all day) although I worked hard to keep them safe from the whelping Mommy and all the squirming brothers and sisters (it happened when I had to go inside for a bit to do something for my own kiddo); and two smaller, weaker pups have since died. Dixie delivered 17 in all, and we have 12 left as of Monday night.

Thanks, Mike. Do you want a boy or a girl? Or both?