Friday, March 3

Happy Friday!

Hey everybody, it's Friday, so let's boogie!.

Do you like my new fishy? Move the mouse around to play with him. Give him a little food if you want, but not much. I already fed him today. Honestly, this is the easiest tank to clean that I've ever had.

So the new weather girl is now named "Wendi" (thanks to MRS). Yes, I know you meant for the "i" to replace the "e" and not the "y" but she just looks like a Wendi to me. I could have chosen a different meteorologist (including a wide variety of weather goths, no joke) but Wendi just reminded me of myself SO MUCH that I couldn't pass her by. Thanks for being there for us, Wendi.

Since I'm devoting so much time to the contents of my sidebar, I'll ask, "Have you checked out the stuff on the Stickam?" I have added a couple of songs to it, but they take so long to upload that I don't even try very hard to put new stuff on it. Anyway, if you have no idea what I'm talking about, click on the music or camera icon over there and you can hear songs or look at some of my photos while you're on this blog. Maybe one day I'll get a webcam and delight you all with streaming video of me sitting in front of the computer wearing a ratty old t-shirt and my monkey pajama pants. REAWR!

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