Wednesday, November 16

A thought...or two

Late at night, kids and hubby (what a stupid word) in bed. It's quiet in the house--no Cartoon Network or Fox News or anything on TV, the only sounds coming from the aquarium that needs topping off and tomorrow's school uniforms in the dryer. I am exhausted and yet here I sit at the computer, playing around with a blog that will hopefully be a positive creative outlet for me.

Is it any wonder I wake up sleepy every day, when I stay up far too long because, in those quiet late nights, I somehow feel like I can simply be myself and not "Mommy" or "Wife" or whatever somebody needs me to be?

This is why I dropped out of journalism when I was in college: aspiring writers who are so absorbed in themselves and take themselves so seriously they feel they OWE IT TO THE WORLD to make their thoughts, their opinions, their FEELINGS (sniff) known. However, I'm just writing this for the sake of getting some crap off my chest. Ick, that's a disgusting mental picture.

So there.

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