Tuesday, May 1

A new nursery

Current puppy count: 12.

Kirk built a cool new puppy pen out at our shed the day after they were born. This picture just shows the back corner of the area; it's actually in two sections that will be opened up as the puppies grow. Dixie and her litter now have lots of room to move around. Of course, the pups don't yet venture more than a couple of feet from Mommy, and even then that's usually because I've moved the ones who were "sleeping at the table" so to speak. They might whimper a little (if they wake up at all) but almost always go right back to sleep all cuddled up with the others who've been relocated so their littler sisters and brothers can have Dix all to themselves for a bit.

Dixie has been just great so far. I must admit, I wondered what kind of mother she'd be, given her "iffy" upbringing before she came to us. She was pretty stand-offish and still has a rebellious streak, but she'd mellowed out considerably and become a generally sweet doggie. She was a real trooper during the whelping and allowed me to be there whenever I felt she needed help (and as the litter got bigger and bigger, help was needed in several ways). She is still keeping Dexter, the stud-muffin Baby Daddy, at bay to some degree. She now lets him come into the nursery and has allowed him to sniff and even lick some of the puppies. Dexter is being really sweet and gentle with them, but he's ready to have Dixie back as his playmate. He makes her chase him around and bark her totally girly bark at him. It's so much fun to watch.

Ok, I'll stop now. It's just that the whole puppy drama is so fascinating to me! There are other things going on in my world, but this is the most newsworthy at the moment.

Alright, just one more picture. I just had to snap a picture of them in the basket I used to transport them to their new digs. Too adorable!

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