Friday, May 11

I dunno...

According to an article in the New York Times, one of the hottest snack foods among Southern black kids is Kool-Aid pickles. They're made by soaking dill pickles in double-strong Kool-Aid for a week in the refrigerator. I am not making this up. Read it for yourself.

I can't say I'm too surprised, really. I know how popular pickles are, and when I was in school some (black) kids used to bring dry Kool-Aid mix and sugar and eat it as a snack. I have noticed, too, that "African-American" people tend to drink fruit-flavored drinks instead of Cokes. Notice for yourself the next time you're at Burger King or a convenience store.

Who knows, they might be good. I know I like sweet pickles, and I've had pickles flavored with cinnamon red-hots, and they're awesome. But fruit punch pickles? I'm just not sure. What do you think? Imagine a lemonade dill pickle. Hmm...

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