Now you can own Ecto 1, the car made famous in the Ghostbuster movies. How cool would it be to drive around in that? I wonder if the siren works.
Tuesday, January 30
Have an extra $150,000 ?
typed with one hand by Penny at 11:00 AM 0 had something to say
Sunday, January 28
Is this real? I know it's not natural. Steroids, anyone? No, they're juth thupplementh.
If anyone can tell me the source of that last sentence was, you win a fabulous prize. Hint: it's a movie.
typed with one hand by Penny at 6:52 PM 2 had something to say
Thursday, January 25
Friday, January 19
"It is not easy indeed but life is waiting ahead for her."
Half-human, half-animal: return of the girl who was lost in the wild for 18 years
If you haven't heard this story yet, read it by following the above link.
More stories of people living in the wild:
Many Cambodians were forced to spend years hiding in the jungle during the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime and the years of civil war after its fall. In 2004 a party of former refugees who had fled into the jungle reappeared after more than two decades. They were clad in bark and leaves and had no idea that the war was over. Twenty-two babies had been born during their wanderings, several of whom had grown into adulthood without meeting any other people.
A boy aged about 12, known as Victor of Aveyron, was found in woods in southern France at the end of the 18th century. He became a case study in the Enlightenment debate about the difference between humans and animals. Attempts failed to civilise him or to teach him speech.
A missing Indian child, Ramu, aged 6, became known as the Lucknow Wolf Boy when he was found in 1954. His parents said that a wolf had snatched him as a baby. When reunited with his parents, he lapped milk, chewed on bones and showed more interest in wolves at the zoo. He died in 1968 at Lucknow hospital.
In 1970 a girl aged 13 was discovered in a house in California, tied to a potty chair. For ten years she had been locked alone in a room throughout the day. She was unable to talk or walk properly. The girl, Genie, initially made good progress — scoring well on spatial reasoning tests — but she never fully learnt to talk. She lives in a care home to this day.
Source: This is one of the freakiest websites I've ever seen.
typed with one hand by Penny at 6:40 PM 0 had something to say
Some of Santa's lesser-known family members.
Lefty Claus (always leaning slightly to the side)
Melvin Claus (he has anger management issues)
Charlene Claus (suffers from occasional uncontrollable twitches)
Eugene Claus (a one-eyed "special" person)
typed with one hand by Penny at 4:42 PM 0 had something to say
Wednesday, January 17
Tuesday, January 16
Hello out there...
Well, I'm back. It's been a long, busy month-or-so, with the holidays and all. We were just getting back to a normal schedule when we had the MLK day. It was nice, especially since the weather was so gray, wet, and cold, to hang around the house chillin' with my peeps.
I have a bunch of pictures from the holidays, and once I get them downloaded I'll be sure to share. I know you're on the edge of your seat and have been anxiously checking this site daily in anticipation of seeing my boys opening their Christmas presents and just generally being cute. You will not be disappointed. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, please follow the link to one of my favorite websites, Neatorama. There is always something cool to look at or think about (sometimes both!) over there. Last time I checked, the first post was an extra-long one about fads through the years, but the guy updates frequently so there's no telling what you'll find.
I missed the Golden Globes last night--I like to watch Red Carpet stuff like that--because we watched Disc 1 of "The Return of the King" instead. My kids have always liked the LOTR movies, but since we've recently read "The Hobbit" and because of course, they're getting older, they pick up more and better understand things in the movie. It's funny, too, that they want to know if some events in the movies "really happened," meaning "Was that in the book?" I guess they've soaked up a lot from listening to Kirk and me discussing it, because last night Cody said, "I don't like all that "Arwen is dying' stuff." Me neither, Cody.
I wouldn't have been able to see the awards show anyhow, because our original plan was to read some more Potter. We're about 2/3 of the way through "Sorceror's Stone." This will be Cody's first time through the books. He was too young to sit still when we read them through for Chet a few years back. The reading for last night was cancelled, though, because Colt, who is now the one too little to sit through all those chapters, was wide awake and more than willing to watch some LOTR action.
All that being said, I just remembered that E! (love that exclamation point!) replays its Red Carpet stuff on the morning after an award show. Yippee!
Have a great day!
typed with one hand by Penny at 8:47 AM 0 had something to say