Current puppy count: THIRTEEN. That's right, I said thirteen. Five girls, eight boys. I hope Dixie can provide for them all.
You can rest assured that there will be many, many more photos of these little dumplins, whether you want to see them or not.
Saturday, April 28
Oh, the cuteness!
typed with one hand by Penny at 6:27 PM 0 had something to say
Friday, April 27
Puppy Time!
I feel like I'm in 101 Dalmations. "Six! Eight! Thirteen! No, wait, fourteen!" ...
Dixie had her pups today. It was so amazing to be able to see the whole process. Such drama! Birth, life, death...all out back in the Li'l Tykes Playhouse. The current puppy count is...a BUNCH.
typed with one hand by Penny at 5:49 PM 3 had something to say
Friday, April 20
Wednesday, April 18
Well, I didn't get my goals for yesterday accomplished. In fact, I didn't get anything done outside. I decided instead to go grocery shopping, because when you're out of milk, bread, eggs, flour, cereal, fruit, soup, vegetables, cheese, meat, ice cream, potatoes, and crackers, it's not too easy to whip up a meal for 5.
And then today, it's been so chilly and rainy (although the weather man said specifically that we would not need our umbrellas today) that I haven't gotten out except to drive to the library for Colt's final storytime. Plus, it's not like I don't have anything that needs doing inside.
typed with one hand by Penny at 2:22 PM 0 had something to say
Tuesday, April 17
Yay, something new!
I obviously haven't been spending any time at the computer for a while. So what's new with the Penmeister?
I rearranged my bedroom (again). Chet and I did a furniture switch-a-roo and it made a big difference in both our rooms.
I cut off (almost all of) my hair. Actually, I went and had it cut this time, and I'm not completely bald, so it wasn't completely a Britney moment (but close). I'd decided a few days ago that I wanted a short haircut, and woke up yesterday and decided that it was time. Were my (all male) family members happy? No. Did I care? No. It's funky and spunky and I'm tempted to dye it purple. Actually, burgundy. There is a box of haircolor that always catches my eye, and the color name is Burgundy. My husband and children would disown me. Oh but it's tempting...
My doggie Dixie is pregnant. We'll have puppies in about 2 weeks. Anybody want a white lab? All I can say is, thank God it's not my body. Even though I will be stuck with lots of work for the summer, I'm excited. So, do you want one? Or two?
The weather being GORGEOUS for the past couple of weeks, I've spent a lot of time working in the yard. I've planted lots of flowers, shrubs, trees, and vegetables. Today's goal: get the rest of the garden planted before tonight's rain, and finish weeding and bordering the new rose bed. There's nothing like getting your fingernails all dirty.
There's still no real news on the possible uprooting we're contemplating. I go back and forth on what I really want to do. Please pray for me and my family.
Even though I don't update very frequently, and I don't call or e-mail or otherwise keep in touch with you, I think about all my friends every day and wish I could spend more time with you. Drop me a line when you can. LOVE YA!!!
typed with one hand by Penny at 10:10 AM 2 had something to say